
I keep hearing people say things like “we need to pray for Paris” or “we need to pray for the USA” or “we need to pray against nuclear bombs being dropped” or to put it another way...... Pray against Gods wrath... Gods judgment!


While people pray to keep things going the way that they are and have been, children and babies are being raped, tortured and murdered over and over and over again and the simple truth is that many of the people who are praying for mercy and against Gods judgment are the same people who are enabling this horror to continue!

What if I told you that there have even been accounts of babies being crucified! Yes crucified! Yet by their indifference people allow this to continue!

If this sounds like I am angry.... I AM!
I firmly believe that God is angry too and not just at the monsters committing these acts but at the people allowing this to continue!

So lets do a reality check here.

For decades now I have been praying for people to wake up and see the truth but they will not, because they do not want to!

I wish I could say that this is just the non-believers but unfortunately it includes the vast majority of the so-called Christian church!

The Bible makes it very clear that you are either with God or with the world, so why are so many “Christians” concerned about how the “world” sees them?

Can you really call yourself a Christian if you are worried about how you fit into the “world”?

Talk about the separation of the wheat and the tares!

Matthew 24 makes it quite clear that we need to watch and make sure that we are not deceived yet so many “Christians” are scared to death that if they seek out the truth that they might be called a name... like conspiracy theorist... or worse they might be considered “not normal”.

Clearly a fate worse than death.... right?!

So they close their eyes and turn away refusing to look at the horrors being perpetrated behind the scenes which just keep growing with each and every passing day... their silence and refusal to look allowing these horrors to keep growing and multiplying each and every day!

AND every time people do this, these monsters controlling the world take it as a sign of approval and agreement from the people!


When you start looking into human trafficking you find out immediately that all roads lead to Washington DC!

The capitol of the so-called USA or to be more precise the capitol of mystery Babylon!

The great whore who is drunk on the blood of the saints who holds a cup full of filthy abominations!

Doesn't this clearly represent the USA today!?

Did you know that during the outcry against the blatant mockery of Christianity at the Olympics the monsters held an event behind the scenes in which children were hunted and run down for sport? For the amusement of the elite?

Nearly every world leader or representative, if not all of them are deeply involved with these filthy monstrous atrocities while the people who turn their eyes away from the truth cheer them on believing that these monsters will save them from coming horrors so that they and the people who they love will somehow be spared!

(Think about the elections!)

They don't seem to care if children and people suffer as long as it doesn't affect them or their loved ones!

The Bible says that in the end days people will be lovers of self, cold and uncaring ….. without natural affection.

Think about how many “Christians” fit into this category in light of what I just said!

When is the last time you heard of someone standing up in church attempting to rally people into standing against human/child trafficking by seeking out the truth and stopping this?

What if I told you that there could easily be someone in your church who is actively participating in human trafficking for the money and that this person could be sitting next to you in church or even an active member of the church board?

Yes this does happen and often these people appear to be just ordinary average people!

How many would even care?

When have you heard anyone in church taking a stand against the transgender grooming and mutilation of children in public, in schools and yes even in churches!?

Oh, a few will stand against this.... but not many!

During the so-called pandemic how many Christians bothered to take the time to really dig in and find the truth about the entire scam and what the so-called vaccines were really all about?

Again... not many!

And people wonder why so many “Christians” will be left behind!

How cold hearted do you need to be that you are more concerned about being called a name than about children who are being raped, tortured and murdered for the adrenaline in their blood or for the money being made from all of these filthy abominations?!

Most churches today are dead, empty and devoid of Jesus Christ and his word!

Pastors and church leaders are more concerned with getting butts into the seats and money into he plates and their 501Cs than teaching the truth or actually warning people about what is really happening and about peoples need to repent and seek out Jesus.

Unfortunately most church leaders these days will do whatever is necessary to accomplish this even if it flies directly in the face of sound Biblical foundations!

Tony Lamb made the statement in one of his books that praying for the USA now is like praying for a dead man, it is pointless.

I am not sure about the exact statement, I will need to look it up but that is the gist of it and I firmly believe this to be true!

People keep saying that we need to reach more people and there are still people who have not heard the word of God... not heard the truth but the simple truth is that the vast majority has not only heard but has rejected the truth! In other words they have made their choice and will now have to live or die with that choice!

I will further say that Jesus himself is reaching those people whom Christians have been unable to reach, recently over 200 people were saved when Jesus appeared to them in Gaza!

Jesus knows his own and will protect his own!

The truth is that most of the world and especially the USA has now surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah in vile outright filth!

This needs to end!

I know that others are just as sickened and disgusted as I am about this and really want God to put an end to this filth... to these horrors!

So No... I will not pray for the USA or for Paris or for any other place engaged in this filth, in these horrors, unless it Is for Gods righteous judgment!

The end is upon us and Gods wrath is rapidly approaching!

Does this mean that I do not care about those who might yet find the truth, no it doesn't mean that at all in fact every day I pray for Jesus to save those who can still be saved but Jesus is coming for his own soon and I honestly pray that this includes the children who are currently in the clutches of these monsters!

And I pray for God to open the eyes of those who might yet see.

Those who are left behind will have to come to terms with their own beliefs, with their own indifference and decide who their God really is!

Those who come to Jesus Christ then will pay a steep price for their indifference and self serving attitude and will endure a living hell!

Understand however that this is a choice that they are making now!

By not seeking out the truth, by not seeking out who Jesus really is and just going along with what their church or others are telling them, they are making this choice!

And it is their choice to make!

I may not like it and you may not like it but it is their choice!

I tend to think that the majority will turn away from Jesus and from the truth but in all honesty they were never in the truth to begin with.

I hope and pray that I am wrong about this but only time will tell.

I guess that if we need to pray for people that the people whom we need to pray for are those left behind who do repent and come to Christ, they will need all of the prayers that they can get!

Stay strong we fly soon!