
You probably already know that the last few months have been brutal for me in terms of spiritual attack and I am seeing this happening to other Christians as well, especially the Christian truthers or watchmen.

It is easy to get discouraged when this happens especially when the attacks are prolonged and seem to keep going and going.

You begin to wonder if God is mad at you or if you are somehow on the wrong track so I have been praying and praying about this and some pretty amazing things have happened over the last week or so!

The first thing that happened was that the still small voice told me to count my blessings. This may not sound like much but it does help to shift your focus to what is really important.

Without getting into a lot of detail here, (I believe that gossip is evil) someone basically told me that I was crazy, that the world doesn't work the way I think it does (spiritual warfare isn't real) and that I should be more focused on worldly things, cars, money, stuff...etc.

However the Bible says not to store up for yourself treasures on earth!

It also says that where your treasure is, is where your heart is!

It is interesting to me that the vast majority of people seem to want to belittle you and look down on you if you do not have the materialism mind set!

Jesus is my treasure and that is where my heart is but the vast majority of people simply cannot understand this way of thinking!

God vindicated me this week, the person who attacked me for not being materialistic got into a car wreck that damaged one of their beloved treasures!

Interestingly I have seen this kind of thing happen many times before, God stands up for his people, vengeance is mine says the Lord!

I do not intend to gloat here, I simply find it very interesting and reassuring how God upholds his own!

The past week or so God has been showing me that I am in fact on the right track, that I am his and that his chosen must endure these things.

Having said this I have to say that the last few weeks have been alarming to me in terms of how few people are truly seeking God!

It seems that the separation of wheat and tares is becoming more and more defined.

I watched a video a few days ago in which the man was talking about the rapture and his thinking was that the rapture must occur on an average normal day because if disasters were taking place the vast majority of people would be praying and seeking God for deliverance.

I am not at all convinced that this is true!

As it stands right now, people know that we are on the brink of world war 3, people know that both Europe and the USA have been over run by an invading army and that we are literally seeing the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah and even increasing Christian persecution play out yet they are not turning to the Lord!

You would think that all of this would be sparking a massive revival and that Christianity would be growing by leaps and bounds in truth and strength yet it is not!

Yes, some people are waking up and taking a stand but not nearly enough!

Right now we are seeing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, wars and every kind of sin and immorality imaginable yet people seem to be so caught up in themselves that they don't care unless it impacts them directly!

Where is the revival? Where are the people turning back to God?

Over the course of the spiritual warfare that I have been going through I have come to realize that out of the dozens and dozens of people I know there might be 2 or 3 who are actually seeking God..... maybe!

Most people are wrapped up in their self or their stuff, their drugs or alcohol, their social standing, their politics...etc. etc. etc. and this even includes most of the Christian church!

I cannot even imagine how incredibly hard it is going to be for these people after Jesus takes his people out of here!

I will dare to say that I truly believe that the majority of these people will turn away and follow the beast and that the few that remain will endure unbelievable hardship!

The last month or so I have been experiencing something that I believe the vast majority of true Christians are experiencing as well.

There is an excitement... a quickening in my spirit... that we are going home soon! Throughout the day, every day I think about Jesus and my soul just wants to soar! The anticipation, the excitement, the joy just floods through me and I can hardly wait to go home!

This feeling just seems to get stronger with each passing day!

There is however a sadness that accompanies this, it is a profound sadness of knowing that when I leave here I will probably never see most of the people whom I love ever again!

Unfortunately this is also a reality for every other true Christian out there as well!

Time is running out and I think that the true Christians are feeling this with increasing intensity!

Over the years I have heard various 'Christians' say that people like me are addicted to doom and gloom and this is NOT true!

Personally I cannot wait until I no longer have to look at all of these horrible, terrible things ever again!

I do what God calls me to do even if I hate it, even if it is painful and hard to endure because there are people out there who need this information! Who need truth!

You cannot fight an enemy whom you cannot see!

Unfortunately most people do not want to see the truth and what you don't know can hurt you... in fact it can destroy you but they will not look.

There is this mind set of “conspiracy theorist” that is prevalent these days. People seem to think that being called a conspiracy theorist is a fate worse than death! That you are not “normal” if you seek out the truth.

This basically boils down to going along with what the world tells you even though it will likely end in not only your destruction but in the destruction of everyone and everything that you love!

All because you don't want to be called a name or thought of as “different”!

And yet they call us crazy!

I have come to realize that most people have a kind of make believe reality that they have created for themselves and that they do not want to see the truth... they prefer their “reality” and simply will not even consider the truth until they have no other choice.... if then!

Many people spend their entire life building their “reality” creating their life and accumulating stuff and they cannot or will not accept that all of this can be lost to them in a matter of seconds!

Where your treasure is... there is where your heart is!

Maybe when their treasures are taken from them they will begin to see the truth... to see what is really important!

I hope and pray so!

I think that one of the most difficult realities of this time is the knowledge that you cannot make people see what they do not want to see!

As painful and difficult as it is to be ridiculed and called names, I have to say that it is far worse to watch people perishing simply because they don't want to see the truth!

Loving Jesus Christ means loving others, even those who hurt you but it is so hard to watch people destroying themselves and they don't even realize it!

Simply because they do not love the truth and will not hear it!

I want to end this article on a high note and simply say that for those of you who are seeking the truth and eagerly waiting to go home I look forward to meeting you personally and spending some time with you!

And pray for these people that their eyes will be opened!