In case you are not aware, I do believe that Trump is the anti-Christ that we have been looking for or at least one of them.
I have suspected this for some time now and with his “connections” and what the “Jews” are saying about him, his almost overwhelming popularity and the things that he himself is saying there seems to be little doubt left!
The first reason is that the “Jews” believe him to be their messiah, or at least one of the two. This fact alone speaks volumes as to who this man is!
He has been called the savior of the world by numerous people including himself!
He is loudly proclaiming “peace” and “safety”! He has said numerous times that he will bring peace throughout the world and he is in fact attempting to do this right now... or so he claims!
He is a liar! He makes many claims about things that he knows people want to hear but never really follows through with his promises, one such case in point: his promise to “drain the swamp” I ask you, have any of these vile murderers or pedophiles gone to prison?
The ruling elite put a perverted clown and a whore in power over this country with the express purpose of making people want a leader who would represent the actual values of the majority of Americans, at least in appearance!
Or at least this is how it appears to me.
I want to discuss some of the things that Trump has said recently:
He has said that he wants to close the border and start deporting people.... Okay... Although he appears to be doing this, I seriously doubt that the ones who have been brought in to eliminate Gods people will be removed, Of course that is just my personal opinion.
I mean in all honesty doesn't this sound a little like closing the barn door after the animals have escaped?
The invading armies are already here!
He is on a video telling the story of the woman who brought in the poisonous snake to warm up and ended up being bitten and dying as a result, because after all she knew he was a snake!
Maybe it's just me but doesn't this sound like a warning?!
He has said that he will be the last president of the USA!
Recently he said that he will seek an immediate death penalty for all child traffickers.
Now before you start thinking that this is a good thing let me move on to something else he said:
He also made a statement recently about seeking the death penalty for anti-semitism!
Now I don't know about you but this looks to me that he is planning to use the desires of the people to stop child trafficking to suspend the constitution! To eliminate due proccess and to eliminate freedom of speech!
Now think about this, if he does this with child traffickers (and you can bet that this will not affect his elite buddies) then what is to stop him from going after the so-called anti-semites?
Now in case you haven't figured this out yet, this gives the Talmudic “Jews” aka Satanists the freedom to do whatever they want like enforce the Noahide laws in the USA!
Ladies and gentlemen this is the end of Christianity in the United States as well as the end of freedom in general!
I say this despite Trumps recent claims of protecting Christianity and his claims to love and serve Jesus, remember that the anti-christ is a deceiver!
When the Noahide laws are put in place, being a Christian then becomes a crime punishable by beheading!
The Noahide laws are already on the books in the US and have been for many years and the guillotines are already in place.
As are the FEMA camps!
Once they have the “laws” in place to kill child preditors then they can use these laws for their real purposes, killing anyone who takes a stand against the Satanic Jews and their agenda as well as anyone who refuses to comply with their agenda!
We are coming down to the final chapter in Earths history!
He has said that he will push through digital IDs and currency. He boldly claimed to be the father of the killer vaccines aka Certificate Of Vaccination ID (A=1)rtificial (I=9)ntelligence or COVID19!
In short everyone who took the death shots are A: now part of the internet of things. B: Genetically altered and are no longer fully human and no longer have human rights. C: now able to be tracked, controlled and even destroyed via 5G and 6G technology.
(I want to add here as a side note that Sweden just released a study on C19 vaccinated people that their DNA has been changed! They are no longer fully human!)
Trump is proud of this!
Recently He has said that he is bringing out a new vaccine for cancer which will be connected to Artificial Intelligence aka AI!
Certificate of Vaccination ID (identification) A I!
I have said numerous times that I believe the C19 vaccines to be the name and number of the beast and that I believe that there is still something else coming, this seems to confirm this.
Although these three things seem separate I firmly believe that they are basically one in the same, just 3 parts of the same agenda!
Then when you add Elon Musk into the equation with his neurolink and the fact that he has a place in Trumps cabinet, then all of the pieces seem to just fall into place!
I keep thinking that the “vaccines”, A I and Neurolink are all interconnected and make up the whole of the mark of the beast and over and over again I just keep hearing the words in my mind that men will seek death and not find it!
A fate worse than death!
Musk has said that with AI we are summoning the demon! How much more obvious does this need to get?
Just one more thing that I find interesting is that the “vaccines” came into full swing at about the three and a half year mark of Trumps first term in office. Now maybe it's just me but doesn't there seem to be a correlation between the mark of the beast and the so-called half way mark of the reign of the beast? I haven't quite figured this one out yet but I seem to have a nagging question about this in the back of my mind, hmmm....
I also want to mention one more time here that I find it interesting that these so-called assassins always aim for Trumps head! Hmmm
Does this sound as suspicious to you as it does to me?
I firmly believe that the USA is Mystery Babylon and make no mistake Trump is a big part of the coming destruction.
The Satanic elites have made no secret of the fact that they want the complete destruction of the entire human race!
They do not want any of Gods natural creation left and the time frame that they are shooting for is 2030 although I have heard and tend to believe that this time frame is being vastly accelerated possibly to this year, 2025.
Although I do not believe that they will complately succeed, they are definitely pushing for this, probably because they are running out of time!
Now before I discuss the next part of this I want to quickly dicuss how wildly popular Donald Trump is and how he seems to attract an almost fanatical following which includes a great many Christians!
People (including many Christians) seem to view this man as some type of “savior” and this has been going on since before his first term! And even people in other countries seem to have a similar view of this man!
I find this alarming!
There is no doubt in my mind that a great deal of effort has been put into place to give him the appearance of a savior I still find it very alarming that so many Christians seem to have fallen into this trap!
It seems completely absurd to me that Christians cannot seem to connect the dots on the anti-christ!
I listened to a video last night of a man talking about how it was a good thing that Kamala Harris wasn't voted in because she is the spirit of the anti-christ.... Really?!
Understand this: Satan doesn't need to win over the far left, woke people... He already has them!
He wants the Christians! He wants Gods people!
Is it really that hard to understand that we were given Biden, Harris and the woke perverse agenda so that people would want a leader who claims to support their desires for the USA?
I truly believe that the entire Biden scenario was specifically aimed at getting people to support and rally behind the true anti-christ, Trump!
Yet it seems that very few “Christians” are able to see this!
It is equally alarming to me that so many “Christians” believe that the “Jews” are Gods chosen people... they are not and I do have the verification for this on the latest daily signs page, I will try to remember and put it on this page as well.
In Matthew 24 Jesus flat out warns people to be careful not to be deceived, yet people ignore that warning.... WHY?
If Jesus' very first warning about the end days was not to be deceived then shouldn't people be seeking out truth and facts? Shouldn't Christians be questioning absolutely everything?
Yet very few truly do!
The book of Revelation takes this one step further and says that the deception of this time will be so bad as to fool even the elect if that were possible and still people ignore this warning!
Yet many of these same people will wonder why they were left behind!
There are so many people in this world who bought into the psy-op of being afraid to be different!
the Bible clearly tells us that we are supposed to be different, to be set apart and not part of the world and yet there are so many so-called Chistians who are terrified of being seen as different!
I do have to say though that it does make it pretty clear as to where their heart truly is!
One more quick note: There is a video below where the man had a dream about Barron Trump in which Donald Trump seems to be afraid of him.
I want to put this up as a possibility that Trump might be controlled by an inside source.... Just a thought, I do believe that there is something about this dream that rings true!
Now I want to discuss a couple of videos that I believe to be very genuine and my take on them.
Although I do firmly believe that there are indeed end times and rapture videos on line that are true and legitimate there are also a great many that are not so we need to be very careful and seek discernment when watching videos.
I will try and list some of the “red flags” that I watch for so that you can form your own list, at the end of this article.
The first video that I want to discuss is this one:
God Revealed Trump's Spiritual IDENTITY - The World Must Prepare For This!
I see this as being both literal and sybolic and I think that when you watch it you will understand why.
666 = The Covid Jabs = The Mark of The Beast
Christianity must be utterly destroyed for mesianic 'golden age' to arrive. Enter Trump
I did notice that he did not seem to make the connection between being given a crown as a corona! To me this spoke volumes!
Operation Warpspeed
Terrifying Dream: Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Barron Trump
Trump CONFIRMS Existence of Aliens - Setting up the "final card?"
Trump: “Anyone caught trafficking minors will get the death penalty immediately.”
Trump is the NWO Greatest Asset
Yeshua Is Not Jesus (Trump, Caviezel, Abramovic) - Revelation Insider
USA Politics Is Owned By The Synagogue Of Satan & Christian Zionism Is A Deception
Now as I watch videos I have a list of things that make me seriously question the validity of the dreams and visions which people seem to be having.
Understand that I do realize that God tends to deal with people on their own level of understanding and that he can use people to deliver a message who clearly do not see the bigger picture but I tend to be very cautious when certain things are mentioned.
I will list some of those red flags here, please pray for discernment on anything and everything that you find on line deception is the controlling power of this time.
1 The “Jews” are Gods chosen people and we should support them! They are not... we are!
2 the third temple in Jerusalem, We (humans) are the temple of God!
3 Trump was chosen by God to save the USA! The US is Mystery Babylon and will be destroyed!
4 The pre-trib rapture and the 7 year tribulation, if there is a 7 year tribulation period then we are already in it!
5 the timeline, I am always cautious about this because I really tend to believe that we are in Satans little season.
6 I tend to be very cautious when it comes to people who claim to be getting regular messages from God, people who call themselves Prophets, watchmen or messengers. Quite often these people turn out to be narcissists seeking to elevate themselves to a position of being important to God in some grandiose way.
7 People who tend to be very happy, this makes me nervous because it makes me question weather they are really paying attention to what is going on in the world. Don't get me wrong here, the thought of going home to be with the Lord makes me very happy also but it is always accompanied with a sense of loss and heartbreak for those who are lost, I cannot understand why these people do not seem to care about the lost.
8 the “selfie” trend. People who seem to want to make a big production of their channel. The messages should be about God, about Jesus and glorifying him... not about the person making the video!
9 The selfish Christian attitude of “I am right, my church is right and anyone who has a different view is either wrong or crazy and we shouldn't listen to them.” This, in my mind is a very dangerous and possibly self destructive attitude!
I will say again that people are blatantly refusing to listen to what Jesus himself said! “Take heed that no one deceives you”!
I ask you how can you not be deceived if you trust any person or institution instead of seeking out the truth for yourself?
Disclaimer: I realize that much of what I put up on this page make me appear anti Jew... I am not! I firmly believe that there are many Jews who truly are Jews and it appears that Jesus is calling many of them to him even as we speak, What I am against is the evil Satanic, Talmudic group who call themselves Jews but are actually Satanists who are bent on the outright destruction of God and his people. Jesus calls them out twice in the book of Revelation.
Although I want to be clear on this point I also want to make it clear that the “Jews” who are running Israel and most of the world are in fact, the Satanic group.