Sudden Destruction

It is hard to live in the world when you know what is coming.

There is still a wholesomeness here in the area that I live in, there are little families with parents raising children, doing things as a family just living their lives and although the undercurrent of the evil and filth of Babylon is here running below the surface there is a semblance of normalcy.

It is heartbreaking for me to look at the world around me knowing what is coming, knowing the destruction that is rapidly approaching.

I listen to them tell me their plans for the future knowing full well that these plans will never be fulfilled and I cannot tell them, cannot prepare them because I know that they will not hear me!

I came to the conclusion this morning that the reason people cannot or will not accept that the vaccines are the mark of the beast or at least 2 of the 3 parts of it is because it would mean that there are many, many children who will not be taken in the rapture!

Children and people vaccinated against their will would not be taken. Tony Lamb was bothered about this also so he asked God about it and was told that there was a special place prepared for these people where they would be taken and would not be punished for it.

That being said there is still a strong possibility that many of these children will have to endure what is coming and their parents will see their children suffer and maybe die for their sins against God and against their own children!

The children were not spared in the flood nor were the children spared in Sodom and Gomorrah!

I keep hearing people talk about the elections and about how Trump is going to save the US as if he is some kind of savior and I keep thinking that these people are clueless!

It does however show just where their hearts and minds really are!

If the people of God had stood up when evil was being incrementally established and said no we wouldn't be where we are now!

Instead people want a savior who will stand up for them and their ideals when they refuse to do so themselves!

There is only one savior … Jesus Christ!

Yet people will not turn to him, instead they turn to their governments, their leaders and all of them, Trump included work for Satan!

Unfortunately most people will realize this fact when it is too late and will have to endure the horrors that will come as a result of their own beliefs and actions... or inaction!

Mystery Babylon has fallen and will never rise again, even though the complete destruction of the USA has not yet been realized but is coming soon.

The so-called church of Christ isn't even recognizable as such any more!

You can walk into nearly any church in the “free world” these days and watch the servants of Satan walk through the door and take a seat or worse step up to the pulpit!

Again this started incrementally... a small concession here and another there and now it has reached the point where people no longer recognize evil when they see it!

This is why people like C S Lewis can introduce paganism, witchcraft, sorcery and tran-humanism into the church calling it “Christian” and people do not recognize it for what it is!

People C S Lewis is required reading for anyone entering witchcraft!

I guess it comes down to this: people want the benefits of being a Christian without having to make a true commitment to Jesus Christ. They want to go to heaven but they want to be in the world too!

It doesn't work that way! You are either with Christ or you are against him.... period!

You are either in Christ or in the world, there is no middle ground!

You cannot compromise with evil if you are truly a Christian!

Yet if you stand with Jesus, stand with the truth you WILL be hated for it, you will be marginalized, ignored and even persecuted for it!

People who you have known and even loved dearly your entire life will distance themselves from you, they will call you crazy, accuse you of things and belittle you... you will be alone for the most part and in truth these days even your church will not accept you!

This is the price that Christians living in the end days must pay, yet it is worth it!

The Bible says that a church will rise up in these days, having the appearance of Godliness yet denying the power of God, this is the vast majority of Christians right now, but we TRUE Christians must rise above this thinking and recognize the true power in this world and NOT deny the power of God!

It is imperative that we understand that despite the world being under the control of Satan right now he will be destroyed along with all who follow him!

God and his children win in the end and there is nothing that the enemy can do to stop it, despite his lies to the contrary!

Choose this day whom you will serve!