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Our Choices

For about the last month I have been trying to write and post an article on Trump and last night I finally realized why I couldn't get this done, I didn't have the full picture!

I will be putting this article up soon.

This is going to be a difficult article to write and probably a hard one to read but important none the less!

I firmly believe that we are rapidly approaching the end of Gods grace period and that the door is about to close and that the choices that people have made will be choices they will have to live with.

Somewhere deep down inside me there is a voice telling me that once the article about Trump goes up it will be the last one that I ever write! I will not be here anymore.

I think that this article, this final warning needs to get in place first.

When I asked God years ago what he wanted me to do he said write. I was not told to make videos or anything else, just write.

I believe that there is a very good reason for this and I think that a major part of that reason is that written websites can go places where videos cannot always go and I think that this will probably be true even after the coming censorship purge takes place, plus a print website can focus more on God and not the person putting up the site, which should be the focus of any true Christian site.

I have been trying to wake people up to the truth for decades now and to be quite honest I have not reached very many souls with the truth but as difficult as that is to accept, the Bible warned us about this repeatedly, it is just hard to accept that we have to say goodbye to the majority of people whom we know and love deeply.

It is even harder to know that some of the people whom we love will eventually wake up but will have to endure horrors beyond belief to do so. It is very painful to watch.

Unfortunately it comes down to willful ignorance, people simply do not want to know the truth.

People will make every excuse imaginable to not have to seek out and look at the truth and I guess when all is said and done it all boils down to the fact that people simply do not want to know!

Unfortunately they will not have the luxury of not looking at the truth for much longer, the horrors that they don't want to look at are about to come home and they will not escape!

But this is their CHOICE!

I was called to seek out the truth, no matter how horrible and painful it is to look at and to try and get this truth in front of people and I have spent years of my life trying to do this but I truly believe that this is coming to an end and I will be going home very soon!

After many years of looking at the monstrous, horrible things that most people don't want to see I have reached the point where I simply cannot look at much of it anymore.

Deep down in my soul I feel the Lord calling me home and with that call I am having what I would call micro visions of my beautiful eternal home. The horrors that I have had to look at and the pain of knowing what is coming to those who refuse the truth will soon be a distant memory to me and frankly I can hardly wait!

I realize that this sounds selfish but I have done what I can to get the truth in front of people and I am not responsible for their choices.... They are!

Jesus warned us about these days yet very- very few self proclaimed Christians actually heed that warning!

An alarming number of “Christians” choose to believe what their church says and teaches ahead of what Jesus himself said!

Jesus said “take heed that no one deceives you” and even went so far as to say that the deception of these days would be so bad as to fool even the elect if that were possible yet hardly anyone takes that warning to heart!

People fail to realize that what their church and often their pastor or other clergy teaches is simply personal opinion or interpretation and may not be true or completely true.

Much of church doctrine was written years and years ago and are based on speculation rather than facts!

People even 100 years ago could not possibly know the full extent of what is happening today so they speculated about what they thought it would be according to Biblical accounts, they had no way of actually knowing yet churches cling to these opinions and interpretations as factual without ever seeking out the truth of what is really happening in the world!

Jesus said “Take heed that no one deceives you” Yet very few actually dive into the full depth of what this means!

To my mind the mark of the beast has to be the most obvious consideration here.

The SDA, ROC and now even the Catholic church are all making the claim that the MOTB is Sunday worship yet it could not possibly be!
Why? Because the mark of the beast is something that you cannot repent of, that you cannot change!

Many, many churches teach that the mark of the beast is a micro-chip or tattoo which again cannot be because chips can be removed and so can tattoos!

Truthfully there is only one thing in this current world that fits the Biblical description and that is the mRNA injections!

These cannot be removed and they change your God given DNA and you become a different species which no longer resembles a child of God!

AND You must willingly accept these.

Yet people say “oh but that cannot be true because the MOTB is about worship”.

Ok fair enough, but when you are placing your trust and faith in what the Satanic run world is telling you over what God is telling you, then you are indeed engaged in a form of worship because you listen to the world instead of trusting God!

To put it another way The world is first and God is second in your life and instead of doing what the Bible says and seeking out truth and facts, you simply do what the world says, what your church says and never question, even though the Bible clearly says that you should!

Sounds like worship to me!

I do believe that when God removes his people many 'worldy' people will see the truth and repent (the 144,0000) but many will not!

There are a large number of 'Christians' who simply will not be able to believe that God would leave THEM behind!

These are called Christian Narcissists who believe that they are extra special to God and cannot accept their own faults and shortcomings and they will hang on to these beliefs until the bitter end!

These are the ones to whom Jesus will say “I never knew you”!

Although I do not necessarily believe in a 7 year tribulation period I do believe that there will indeed be some kind of tribulation period that offers a last chance for many, I just have serious doubts about the time frame and I have to say that if there really is a 7 year period that I believe we are already in it!

I do firmly believe however that the Bible must be as pertinent to us in this time frame as it was for the early Christians and that the God who sees the end from the beginning would indeed give us a working model of what to expect and what to seek out and not leave us on our own without a clue.

I do honestly believe that as Christians we should be talking to each other and listening to each other and trying to see through the darkness of lies and deception.

I do not claim to have all of the answers nor do I believe that any of us do but I do believe that we should be seeking out those answers and doing what Jesus said to do and not relying on what the world or even the churches tell us!

The time of great darkness is rapidly appraoching along with great pain and suffering!

But there is hope!

I really tend to believe that the 144000 spoken of in the Bible are those with a pure, undefiled, god given, double helix DNA.

I also believe that even though the Holy Spirit may not be present through this end times period, that this may very well be the point where true humanity awakens to the power and truth which God himself has encoded in every single strand of our DNA!

God encoded his own name and I believe, a great deal of the power that is inherantly contained within that name, within the very code of life given to his own creation.... his children, created in his own image!

The 144000 pure bloods, whose body and blood are undefiled with the serpent seed, aka virgin!

When these people wake up to the reality of who and what they truly are, they will have the power to destroy the evil one and his armies and that is what the enemy is most afraid of!

I firmly believe that this is why the enemy is so hell-bent determined to eliminate the name of God from our DNA and replace it with their own, as well as trying to destroy as much of Gods natural creation as possible since the world itself was created to strengthen and sustain us.

True Humanity can and will play an integral part in their eternal demise and they need to destroy us before that can happen!

This is their true agenda!

If we truly are where I believe that we are in history aka Satans little season, then this is literally their end game!

Their last chance!

I heard it said once that the ultimate goal of Satan and his minions is to completely destroy all of Gods natural creation so that Jesus would have no reason to return.

I think that there is a lot of truth in this statement.

It would explain why they are working with such a feverish pitch and all out determination to accomplish this goal and it is abundantly clear that this is indeed their goal!

They will not succeed!

This great evil which is running this world and this evil agenda are doing everything that they possibly can to accelerate this agenda and I honestly do not think that this world has much time left.

For those who have to live through this please remember that Satan cannot take what belongs to God!

Soon those who have been left behind will have to reconsider their choices in light of the truth and make the decision to stand with Jesus and to stand with Father God!

It will undoubtedly be the hardest decision that they have ever made but the reality of truth will be undeniable to them!

For anyone who falls into this category I want to say this: Staying the course will be very difficult, the world, people whom you know and love and even churches will do everything in their power to convince you that you are wrong, to instill you with fear and doubt but deep down you know the truth!

Remember that you are not alone and that many others have endured the same doubts and struggles and that in the end you will be victorious!

Stay the course seek out the power that lies within your very being and stand firm against the evil running this world and remember that in the end every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

You have a very important role in these end times, you are the final living testimony of Gods truth and grace!

Remember that even in death they cannot take what belongs to God!
Keep in mind that Jesus said that many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first. Be brave and be bold it will all be worth it!