
This is going to be a difficult article to write, something happened to me a couple of days ago that was hurtful and hard but led me down a path to a truth that I didn't want to see.

I was verbally attacked by a woman I know, basically she told me that I was crazy and that the world doesn't work the way that I know it does.

Then she went on to attack the personal choices that I have made in my life even though it had nothing to do with her.

This was hard to endure because she is the kind of person who will accept most of what she is told without question and will outright refuse to look at any information that opposes her personal narrative.

I will be honest I was very upset and quite angry for a couple of days even though God was showing me things about her.

The first thing that he told me was that she was acting the way that she was because she is afraid.

A couple days later I got the rest of the story and at this point I ceased being angry and started to cry for her because I realized she represented the majority of people in the US and Europe and maybe even more than that.

These are the people who are going to have to face and live through the horrors which are coming upon the earth very, very soon.

Today God put the information in front of me that made me understand why these people will have to endure this but that doesn't make it any easier to accept.

All of my life I have heard people push the “American dream” narrative at me, In other words get a good job, build a career, buy a nice house and get nice stuff and retire in a happily ever after scenario.

This is what good Americans do..... right?!

This is what we are supposed to do... but I have to ask how can any true Christian live by this standard when Jesus clearly said not to store up for yourself treasures on earth?

The main problem with this American dream narrative is that people tend to build their lives around it and their entire personal identity is wrapped up in their own personal success in life... or at least what they perceive as success.

Unfortunately this dream is nothing more than a house of cards, destined to fall!

The problem is that their whole life is built on this foundation, they have worked for it and built their lives around it, it has basically become their god... their deity that they have built their world on and anyone or anything that challenges what they perceive as reality they must attack and attempt to destroy because they simply cannot accept that their life has been an illusion based on a lie... a deception.

Basically they worship the world.... not God.

I don't know if this woman claims to be a Christian, I have never heard her talk about it but the reality is that most people who claim to be Christians are actually living under the same illusion... the American dream illusion!

I find it interesting that every time God wants me to see something or write on something he will put a lot of information and confirmation in front of me.

The following video really drove the point home to me:


In this video he talks about how “Christians” bury their heads in the sand and refuse to see the truth.

Unfortunately the truth is right in front of them and they refuse to look!

This is what the true Christians are up against, we are not just fighting principalities and powers, wickedness in high places, we are having to fight our own family and friends....and the majority of humanity!

What God showed me was that because they serve evil by their outright refusal to repent, to seek out the truth and truly commit to God and his will they will have to endure the coming horrors!

I honestly believe that it will very likely be worse for those who claimed to be Christians yet served God in word only and not with their heart.

God has no respect for your 'treasures' and isn't interested in your words unless they reflect your heart!

If God is not in your heart then he doesn't know you.... period!

Jesus MUST be your top priority, not your stuff!

The simple truth is that we do not own anything and everything can easily be taken away and will be soon!

Everyone who is left behind will have to make a choice and it will not be easy!

Unfortunately I truly believe that when people are faced with allowing themselves to be injected with things that can track and control them or going without they will do as they are told even though it will destroy them.

Of the millions and millions of half -hearted Christians who will be left behind only a fraction will actually repent and truly turn themselves over to Jesus Christ, most will deny and comply as the have been doing most of their lives.

I honestly hope that I am wrong about this, I truly honestly do!

I really believe that Jesus is coming for those of us who have Jesus in our heart and do what he leads us to do and that this will be soon and they have to make this choice for themselves.

This article represents my last attempt to reach them, I pray it finds at least someone who might find the truth.