Prophesy ReCap

I am trying to get my head around what has been happening in our world over the last few decades in connection with Biblical prophesy.

I have been under heavy attack lately especially from the 5G and am having difficulty even thinking clearly so please bear with me, I am trusting in God to help me with this article so that I can at least get the more important points covered.

If you have been reading this website then you are probably already aware that I believe that we might well be living in the little season at the very end of this world and that judgement and destruction are at the door.

If there is a tribulation period during this time then it is not likely that it will be exactly what people are expecting although I do believe that we are experiencing some kind of tribulation, I just tend to think that we are very likely already in this period.

I have noticed that the majority of Christians in the US and much of Europe tend to think that because something isn't happening here yet that it isn't happening at all, even though it IS happening in other parts of the world!

This is pure arrogance and self righteousness and unfortunately these traits are in far too many self professed “Christians”!

These people also expect the end days scenario to follow their understanding of the Biblical agenda which means that they ignore signs which are playing out such as the Euphrates river drying up as unimportant because it doesn't fit with their understanding of end times events even though it is blatantly obvious as an end times event!

And if we are indeed in the little season as many of us think then they may very well be leading others to not think or question when Jesus clearly warned us to question everything!

The biggest problem is that most of these people will not seek out the truth for various reasons and this is a very dangerous mindset!

However it is starting to happen here also and still many will refuse to see until it is too late!

Anyway the recap, many Christians think that the creation or re-creation of Israel as a nation was the beginning of end times Biblical prophesy and it may have been but I personally have some serious questions about this considering that the Israel government is the controlling evil behind nearly everything vile and evil happening in the world today!

The “Jewish” literature published by famous so-called “Jews” flat out says that they are Satanists and that they worship Satan!

Furthermore is it a known fact that the majority of Jews are not of Jewish decent and have no connection what so ever to the original Israelite's but are Kazarian usurpers or conquerors.

Jesus called them the Synogogue of Satan!

I am not saying that all Jews fall into this category in fact there are many true Jews in Israel who have discovered who Jesus really is and have come to him as their true messiah!

I am saying that the “Jewish” power families and leaders are behind nearly every evil or vile thing taking place currently in this world!

These are the people who own almost everything including much of humanity at this point!

Make no mistake they are the ones calling the shots!

They control the banks aka money, they control countries, governments, the entertainment industry, the food corporations, the pharmaceutical industry..... everything!

All of which has Satan as their leader!

I really think that when the waters started turning to blood back in 2001 it was in fact a direct warning from God to not only this group of people but to everyone practicing idolatry, witchcraft, sorcery, etc. and engaging in the persecution of the Christians aka Gods people!

I say this because of where the waters were turning blood red!

The first place that this happened was a blood rain in India a country known for worshiping many gods including Shiva the god of destruction who does his dance of destruction in front of CERN in Switzerland!

It happened to the river that runs in front of the Pyramid in Memphis Tennessee, It happened near many places known for Satanic rituals and human sacrifice such as the Bohemian Grove.

It happened to two main rivers in China, and China is the number one persecutor of Christians in the world!

The list goes on and on!

Since then earthquakes have increased all over the world and now they are saying that Africa is splitting in two and that California, home of much, much evil (think Hollywood), might be completely destroyed!

Volcanoes are also on the rise and they think Yellowstone might erupt as well as another super volcano!

And even though much of our weather is manufactured these days we are seeing a major increase in disastrous weather worldwide!
Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, freak cold snaps, extreme heat etc, causing major problems throughout the world!

Although I do believe that much of the weather is being created by the ruling elite via HAARP and other technologies we have to keep in mind that the God who knows the end from the beginning knew all of this would happen in this time.

The number one sign that Jesus said would happen in the end days is now the controlling “entity” (for lack of a better word) behind almost everything now.

When asked Jesus said “take heed that no one deceives you” and deception is everywhere to the point where most people just take being lied to for granted and yet people still seem to accept it and not question!

People just seem to accept that lies and deceptions are somehow normal!

If nothing else politics prove this point without a doubt!

People know that politicians lie to them yet they still trust them and believe in them!

The Satanic ruling class crowned their AI god back in October 2019, on October 31st to be exact.... nothing Satanic about this right?

(Isn't it interesting that the ruling elite want all true humans dead by the end of 2025?!)

Then came Convid! One of the greatest deceptions ever perpetrated on humanity!

I still believe that this represented the first of the four horses of the apocalypse!

He was given a crown...a 'corona' and went out conquering and to conquer!

By their sorceries (pharmekia) was the world deceived!

Isn't this exactly what happened?

Most of the world accepted the conquest without question because they never questioned the lie, even though many if not all were warned!

Now those who accepted the shots aka mark of the beast (or 2 of the 3 parts) are now a new species according to our leadership, Humanborgenesis and because of this have lost their human rights!

They belong to the beast and the beast system!

Next we have the red horse! Is there any question in anyone's mind that this horse is riding as well? We have wars and rumors of wars worldwide and invading armies throughout Europe and the US which are indeed creating internal wars everywhere they go and are being financed by the very people whom they have been sent to conquer!

Which brings us to the black horse!

The cost of food and essentials has doubled within the last couple of years to the point where many people cannot afford to feed their families and many people are being forced out of their homes all while the invading armies are being very well fed and given housing, cars and weapons!

To put this into better perspective the original citizens are being weakened by our traitorous governments while the invading enemy is being strengthened and armed with the money that the citizens paid in!

Considering that these are the predominantly Christian countries throughout the world, just who do you think is behind all of this?

Evil is now being called good and good is now being called evil!

And worse yet anyone standing up against it is now being called evil and is now being classified as a terrorist criminal!

Freedom of speech is now being criminalized and people are now being jailed for taking a stand against evil!

Before I wander too far off the path I want to mention the fact that human DNA consists of 144000 genes, I do not think that this is a coincidence, I truly believe that this represents those who did not defile themselves with gene altering technologies and posses the pure undefiled DNA breathed into them by their creator!
Many of these people (if not all) are very likely descendants of the original Israelite's!

I truly believe that the main focus or purpose for the gene altering shots was the creation of not only altered genomes but the creation of a triple helix DNA strand which contains 216000 genes or 600 x 60 x6...the mark of the beast!

This was “announced” so to speak when the queen of England lit up the triple helix at a ceremony before her death!

They tell you what they are doing or about to do in advance!

I have heard many people say that this has something to do with making their spells work better but personally I believe that they have to tell us.... that they have to follow Gods rules!

Nothing is hidden when you have eyes to see and are willing to see it!
I do not believe for one second that God just allows them to do whatever they want to his people!

I also believe that CERN and the 5 other hedron colliders are indeed the literal gates of hell which are being opened and bringing demons and hellish entities into this world from other dimensions!

The Bible calls it the bottomless pit and I firmly believe that many more hellish entities are still coming.

I recently heard a comment about Satan's minions trying to prevent the rapture from happening and I have to say that I really doubt this, simply because as long as the restrainer is here on earth the remainder of Satan's forces cannot come into this world... or at least that is my understanding.
But I could be wrong.

Make no mistake the people (if they are actually people, I believe that they are serpents seed and not human for the most part) behind CERN know exactly what it is and what purpose it serves!

This group are doing everything in their power to destroy all of Gods creation beginning with humanity and spreading out from there to all animals and plants... that is their plan for eliminating God from the earth!

Understand this, the pale horse is not far away, it is on the horizon!

I want to discuss the pale horse here and there is a lot to unpack so bear with me.

The pale horse represents death on a massive scale!

Did you know that congress was recently told to expect a mass casualty event here in the US?

Everything is in place for this event and has been for decades now!

They have had mass grave sites for many years now with plastic coffin liners that can easily hold five adult bodies each! These can be stacked up on top of each other, but to what depth I do not fully know, I did hear the number as five deep at one time but I am not sure.

So lets take a look at the weapons being deployed against humanity and predominantly Christians and whites in the US and Europe first.

First there are the vaccines. These have already killed millions of people and I recently heard (but have not verified) a billion world wide. Those who have not yet died have been effectively injured or weakened.

Next we have the invading army of so-called refugees who interestingly are predominately fighting age men! Hmmm!

This group is causing a lot of chaos and death where ever they go both in the US and Europe and I suspect Australia as well!

The Black Awakening super soldiers may well be released on us soon as well as part of this assault. This is a group of individuals who have undergone extreme Satanic mind control and are waiting for the signal to start killing Christians.... That is what they were created for!

Next we have the 5G towers and I believe that most if not all of the microwave towers have similar functions as well.

5G has nothing to do with cell phones or communication... it is a weapon system that can and does target people. It is literally a lethal dose of radiation! Isn't it interesting that they are putting so many of these next to schools?

Since many of these were going up during the Convid lock-downs isn't it interesting that the symptoms of radiation poisoning are exactly the same as COVID????

They have had the ability to kill people using microwave towers for years now and it just looks like the flu or a heart attack aka natural causes!

There is a wide held belief that these 5G towers will be used to “activate” people who have taken the jabs who now have the nano technologies inside of them. This might very well be the zombie apocalypse that the government is preparing for!

“Many will seek death and not find it”

Before I move on have you heard about the exploding pagers, computers and cell phones?

Israel used these weapons against their “enemy” supposedly but think about this: this is the exact same group who considers all of humanity their enemy.... especially Christians!

Worth a thought!

I want to say one other thing here as well, I do firmly believe that God is protecting his people and that the enemy is not being allowed to harm those of us who belong to him and serve his will!

Remember that Satan had to ask for permission from God before he could do anything to Job or to the disciples!

Next comes famine, it is no secret that the government is shutting down farms and destroying food manufacturing plants, this has been going on for at least two years now.

As usual they do things slowly, and incrementally so you won't notice right away then they make up plausible stories... like “global warming” to make it look like it is humanities fault even though anyone with a brain knows that CO2 helps plants which provide oxygen which HELPS the earth, but I guess if you are evil Satanic, genocidal lunatics trying to eliminate billions of human beings for your own gain then having thriving life on earth is a bad thing for you, they just need to convince us that we are evil and need to be destroyed!

This agenda is so obvious that it shocks me that anyone would fall for it but I guess repetition is the key, if you are told something often enough you will believe it!

After all we have these great mind control devices in our homes and vehicles (TV and radio) that tell us what to think and believe all day every day, and this has been going on for a very long time now!

Next comes pestilence! They have already warned us that they plan to release some kind of serious disease on us, if this isn't actually part of the 5G scenario.

We are on the brink of world war 3 as well, there will be a lot of death and devestation from nuclear weapons as sickness from radiation, contaminated water and food will wreak havok as well.

Doesn't all of this sound like the pale horse to you?

And of course let us not forget the FEMA camps which have been installed for the express purpose of imprisoning the dissenters and killing off anyone who will not comply with the New world order agenda!

You know like, Christians!

Oh, and remember that these camps are equipped with guillotines!

The stated goal of the Satanists is to have no natural God given creation left so that God will have no reason to come back!

These lunatics know that they are destined for the lake of fire yet they still think that they can side step God's will!

I have no words for this breathtaking insanity!

So far I have talked about waters turning to blood, the little season, the mark of the beast and the four horsemen of the apocalypse but what other Biblical signs have taken place?

The Euphrates river has dried up!

There are now fish in the dead sea!

The Revelation 12 sign has appeared!

Numerous eclipses and signs in the sky!

The one world government is being established!

The pope announced the One World religion last week!

It struck me today that the USA is playing the role of the false prophet who gives power to the beast aka Israel!

Israel is undoubtedly an active beast wreaking havok on the world right now, there is no denying this!

Unless of course you choose not to see it!

There are many of us who firmly believe that the USA is indeed Mystery Babylon aka the great whore.

The Bible says that the end days will be as it was in the days of Noah ….. we are there! They are doing everything in their power to destroy the God given DNA of humanity, once again they want no true human left on earth!

The Bible says that it will be like Sodom and Gomorra and the US has surpassed them at this point, even to the point of making it illegal to speak out against this insanity!

Next we have child sacrifice!

All roads lead to Washington DC!

Children are kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered for the adrenaline in their blood and hundreds of thousands of babies are aborted every year..... all in the name and worship of Satan!

I should also mention the fact that a famous Satanist by the name of Crowley did a spell called Babylon working decades ago (I will try and put something up about it on the signs page) which they claimed was successful. The point was to bring about mystery Babylon in the US.

There may be other end times signs that I am missing here but I think that I have covered the basics.

I do however want to talk about one more thing... the anti-Christ!

I believe that this man is alive and well and in power already and that this person may well be Donald Trump! Or possibly his son in law Jared Kushner.

It just seems to me that Trump is being groomed as the “savior” who is going to save the US and the world!

Even though he does many evil things... don't forget he was the one pushing the vaccine.... operation warp speed!

It is absolutely amazing to me how many people absolutely Idolize this man! Even some Australians think he is going to save us!
He has already said that he want the death penalty for anyone speaking out against the Jews!

And yes he is a Jew despite his claims to be a Christian!

He is being made to look like some kind of hero who is risking life and limb to save America from the evil left and it wouldn't surprise me if they claimed that he was killed only to have him rise from the dead!

Just wanted to put that in there anyway the point is that as far as I can tell nearly all of Biblical prophesy has already happened or is happening right now!

There really isn't much left to happen!

I watch a lot of rapture dreams and visions and there have been many people having dreams about people being raptured just as the bombs are coming down.

There have also been many dreams about a 2 moon rapture event in which people are seeing two moons in their dreams.

According to the news we are supposedly getting a second moon this month (September).

There have been both Russian and Chinese nuclear equipped vessels in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans near the USA for days now and some for weeks!

The US has been on alert for weeks now and the current situation is high level alerts just below all out war on American soil for days!

For the first time there is a definite possibility that both of these dreams could play out at the same time!


Finally I want to talk about the ruling elite's last card to play, the fake alien invasion. Many believe that when the rapture occurs they will claim that we were taken by aliens to be re-educated to their way of thinking.

Of course anyone who has done any real research into “aliens” will come to the conclusion that these are not from another world but are in fact demonic in nature.

Many abductee's have made the statement that they thought these might be demons and yet there are many people who will buy this deception just as they did the Convid scam!

As you can tell I believe that we are actually much further into the Biblical end times scenario than most people realize!

This world may literally have only a year or two left!

I do believe that Jesus will indeed take his faithful out of here before the worst of this strikes and that this is literally on the horizon right now!

I also want to say that little season or not I do believe that many people will get one last chance and as odd as this sounds the FEMA camps actually give me hope for this!

The very fact that these camps exist implies that there will very like be a group of people who come to the truth of Jesus Christ after many are taken and this may very well be where the 144000 come into play!

Gods end times army!

Like so many others now I believe that we are out of time!