
There are so many things that I want to talk about in this article and I do realize that I have talked about much of this before but sometimes things need updated or clarified so please bear with me.

To begin with the division within the Christian church is absolutely mind boggling to me and I am beginning to see this in the writings and videos of other Christians as well, many other Christians are just as concerned about this as I am.

I guess the thing that I find most alarming is the fear that seems to dominate much of Christian theology.

I can think of no other way to describe what I see happening.

It truly seems that people are afraid to even consider any other point of view than that of their Church or themselves.

It is as if they think that only their church has all of the answers and that they should not even question this “fact”.

The fact of the matter is that Christianity seems to be the only religion, the only group of believers in the world that has this type of division throughout the vast majority of followers/ believers! Why?

This fact alone speaks to a few different things,
1 it speaks to the fact that Christianity has at its very core...Truth and freedom!
2 True Christianity united, represents the most powerful and world changing force on Earth!
3 That Satanic world leaders and even many church leaders will do anything and everything to keep church congregations doing what they are told and unfortunately most of them will!
4 that this division is a very well crafted and organized tool of the enemy to weaken the body of Christ!
5 that the majority of people who call themselves Christian are in fact baby Christians with no true desire to mature at best or superficial Christians at worst!

I see this attitude in the rich so-called 'free' countries where people have had the freedom to worship as they desire.

This division doesn't seem to affect persecuted Christians in the same way, there seems to be far more unity within Christians in countries where they endure heavy persecution.

Most Christians here in the USA seem to hang on to this idea that if they simply say that they believe in Jesus that they will be raptured and not have to worry about persecution or the coming tribulations*.
That if they simply go along with what their church tells them that they will be fine, I firmly believe that many of them are in for a big surprise!

These people do not seem to realize that they are following in the footsteps of the church of Laodicea!

Jesus did not have anything good to say about this church!

It seems to me that people are literally replacing Jesus with their church thinking somehow that this will get them to heaven but Jesus never intended for people to worship the church, in fact he said that people would follow those who tickled their ears and told them what they wanted to hear rather than the truth.

The fact that we now have so-called Christian churches accomodating the gay pride group as well as every other anti-Christian agenda while refusing to teach true Christian values including repentance speaks volumes about the time we are living in!

Only Jesus can get you into heaven.... not the 'church'!

*Now if you have been reading this website then you probably already know that I believe that the 7 year tribulation period and the thousand year reign may have already happened and that we are living in the little season just before God destroys this earth with fire. That being said I will also say that I do genuinely believe that part of the book of Revelation does indeed apply to us in this generation.

Now let me say this about myself: Things have to make sense to me. I do not believe that God is frivolous or silly and though I do think that parts of the Bible have been tampered with in small ways I do firmly believe that there are limitations on what the enemy can do!

I do not for one second believe that God would allow the enemy to hide the truth from us! Nor will God allow the enemy to destroy his children aka those of us who belong to him!

I do tend to wonder if God may have allowed these small changes in the Bible so that we would seek out the truth more seriously.

When I say that things need to make sense to me what I mean is that certain church “theologies” seem like total nonsense to me. For example the Seventh Day Adventist teaching about Sunday worship being the mark of the beast (the RCOC church teaches this as well) makes absolutely no sense to a logical mind!

How can the mark of the beast be something that can easily be changed? No the mark of the beast has to be something that changes you in some way to make you an abomination to God. That is the only thing that makes any logical sense!

Only something that changes your God given DNA and changes you from the image of God to the image of the beast makes any sense!

Unfortunately there seem to be a lot of Christians out there that don't seem to get this! Many, many Christians are waiting for things that have already happened or are already happening simply because they don't investigate and seek out the truth!

What was the first thing that Jesus said in Matthew 24 about the end days? “Take care that no one deceives you”!

How can you NOT be deceived when you refuse to seek out the truth or even refuse to listen to those who are trying to tell you the truth?

People (even church leaders) want their ears tickled, they want a God who fits into their expectations not the other way around!

Now if you have been reading this site you probably already know that I started out not believing in the rapture but this changed when I asked God about this and he directed me to Isaiah 57. I have talked about not all of the children being taken in the rapture just as God didn't take the children in the days of Noah or at Sodom and Gomorah.

This bothers me as well as many others but if you know who Tony Lamb and have read his books then you know that he had dreams about this as well.... he saw children in what he calls the tribulation.
(link for this on the daily signs page)

This bothered him too!

So he prayed earnestly about this and God answered him and showed him that children or people who were vaccinated against their will (such as many elderly in nursing homes), won't be taken to hell that they will be taken to a place called Sheol which is not hell but has been translated as such throughout the years.
Basically this means that those who did not willingly consent will not be held accountable!

This got me thinking about the new heaven and the new earth.
Could this be part of the reason why there needs to be a new earth?

I truly do believe that at least part of the reason for the new earth is to get rid of the ancient evils and keep them from ever being unearthed again but maybe there are other reasons for the new heaven and new earth as well!

While on the subject of the rapture there are some other things that I want to discuss as well.

The alien deception is at the top of the list.

I watched a video a few days ago (I will not put it up because I refuse to advertise for Satan) the title of which was “Many will be Leaving”.
I only watched part of it because I can only handle so much total nonsense but in the part I did watch these so-called Arturians were saying that many people on earth will not choose ascention/evolution because they choose to believe in a book rather than seek out the source/creator and that this group of people will be leaving for a while but would return eventually....hmmm!

Now for those of us who understand what the “aliens” really are aka demons then it sounds like Satan and his minions are waiting for the rapture as well!

And they are expecting it to happen soon!

It sounds like this will be part of the alien deception!

Now understand that Satan rules the world and has access to information that we do not such as project looking glass where they were remote viewing into the future and history that has been hidden from us. So this begs the question.... what does he know that we don't?

I have mentioned this before but there are a lot of people having dreams and visions of bombs coming down and us going up, implying that the rapture might happen during this event.

For those of you who do not know there are Russian war ships doing missile drills off of the east coast of the USA and have been for at least a week now,(as of 6/29/24) add to this the fact that Russia has now publically blamed the USA for recent strikes inside Russia and it is pretty clear that WW3 is here and it is only a matter of time until bombs start striking US targets!

Mystery Babylon is about to fall!

God's wrath is almost upon Babylon!

Since I have already brought this up I want to talk about the shots aka mark of the beast. I really don't want to believe that these shots are the mark and I tend to believe that they represent the name and or number or 1 and/or 2 of the three parts of the mark, I think that there is still something else coming however the way that the Bible talks about this I am just not sure that it matters that much.

The supreme court document from 2015 states that once someone has allowed CRISPR or gene altering technology to be injected into them that they are no longer human and therefore have no human rights.

This literally confirms 2 things: that 1 Humans have God given human rights that cannot be violated against our will and 2 that once you have taken the first shot you are no longer a true human.

The following link confirms what I have believed from the beginning that people are being changed into something that no longer resembles Gods original creation.

Now to my mind, something that can sever your connection with God and change the DNA given to us from God himself makes far more sense as a major candidate for the mark of the beast than something that can be easily removed or changed!

What they are finding in these shots is absolutely terrifying!
It is also confimation that this is a well planned assault on God and his creation and is hands down one of the worst attacks on humanity ever perpetrated by these evil monsters and yes they are monsters!

Injected liquid interface. Humans have been implanted by another species through nanotech.

When the shots first started there was talk of finding a creature called hydra vulgaris in some of these shots. When embalmers started pulling the long fibrous “clots” out of people my mind went to the talk of this hydra creature but I never really followed through with this line of thought because I couldn't find anyone making this connection but now I am once again wondering if this is if fact what is being removed from bodies at funeral homes!

The problem with this and the reason that I really do not want to consider this possibility is that Hydra Vilgaris is nearly indestructable!

You can chop these things into pieces and each piece will grow into a new one.

(I simply cannot imagine how horrible it would be to have this thing growing inside you!)

Part of the focus of this video is on how the technology contained within the shots is focused on the head/ mind.

Once again let me say this: the part of your brain that is active during prayer and worship is in the front of your brain just below the hairline and this part of your brain is directly affected by the shots!

The mark of the beast is in the forehead?!

I came upon a video and I will link it here that I found very interesting... it is definitely worth watching!

The jab agenda is to keep Jesus from getting into your soul
Pay special attention to operation warp speed!

So a few questions come up.
1 how many different species are actually contained in these shots? (In the 1st video they call them demons.)
2 can these species be controlled via the nanotech incorporated into the brains?
3 will this make people unable to die? “many will seek death and not find it”
4 is this where the zombie apocalypse comes into play?

It is mind boggling to me that people actually think that they are going to survive this!

This is a planned event! Why do you think that they want to take your guns away? They want you defencless! They don't want you to be able to defend and protect yourself and loved ones!

I guess the thinking is that some of Gods people will still be alive when Jesus returns to set up his kingdom for the millenial reign but I seriously doubt this, although there may be some survivors at the very end.

I could be wrong but the dreams and visions that people are having seem to imply a different story!

In one vision that a man had he actually saw the new Heaven and the new earth, I believe that this is the more likely scenario.

The old things have passed away.

What most people are seeing in these dreams and visions is quite literally hell on earth!

Nobody is going to breeze through this and it doesn't matter how prepared you are!

There is no preparing for what is coming!
This is God's wrath and anyone left here to endure this will not escape unscathed!

Prepping might help to some degree but not fully. The simple truth is that anything that you have other people will be searching for and they will do whatever they need to, to take it from you!

If you are here for this then you will witness unimaginable horrors!

Every form of rebellion and ungodliness that you can imagine will be present and living throught this will be a nightmare of unimaginable proportions!

I believe that God will protect his own to some extent but that doesn't mean that they won't have to witness horrors such as cannabalism and zombies or that they will somehow escape extreme persecution such as the world has never seen before.

Many will die, some even at the hands of their own family or friends!

The world is choosing up sides and nobody will be able to stay on the fence for much longer.... including the compromised church!

The war between good and evil is already well underway, it's just that most of the world either can't see it or don't recognize it for what it is!

For those who have to endure these coming days I strongly recommend that you become as strongly rooted in your faith as possible You will need this!

Memorize your Bibles while you still can because as of this writing the Bible has been made illegal in the USA!

The antisemitism laws that were just pushed through makes portions of the Bible “hate-speech” and Trump has come out and said that anti-semitism should be met with the death penalty!

This is the incorporation of the Noahide laws by which Christians will face the guillotines!

Bible prophesy coming to pass!

Revelation 2:10 …. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life!

Have faith brothers and sisters it is almost over!