As It Was

The last few weeks have been brutal for me in terms of spiritual attacks and the attacks seem to be coming from all directions.

Attacks on my health, my husbands health, our bank accounts, I actually had a hacker manage to steal money out of an account that had almost no money in it.. overdrawing that account through a pay pal account that we closed out 3 years ago!

Both of my cars broke down in the exact same place within 2 weeks of each other and no I do not believe for one second that this was a coincidence!

This ended up draining my bank account and since we live in the middle of nowhere public transportation in not an option!

And of course verbal assaults as well!

Of course I have been praying about this seemingly to no avail and this led to much doubt and confusion.

Yet I trust God.

When I wake up in the morning I usually spend some time talking to the Lord and trying to gain insight and understanding.

This morning I woke up very calm and filled with the Holy spirit and during my talk with the Lord many insights were revealed to me so I will share them with you.

One of the first things that I realized was that the Bible talks about the end days being like it was in the days of Noah, we are seeing that, It also says that it will be like it was in Sodom and we are seeing that too but it occurred to me that it could also be said that it will be as it was in the days of Jesus!

When Jesus was alive the ruling class Jews were doing everything that they could to silence and murder Jesus and this is exactly what is happening right now!

Obviously they cannot murder Jesus again so they are going after the Bible aka the word of God and all of the followers of Jesus as well as all of humanity aka those who were created in the image of God!

The simple truth is that they fully plan to murder all of us! They are not even bothering to hide this anymore!

Just like in the days of Jesus they try to implement laws to silence the truth and just like in those days they will not fully succeed!

However the coming days are going to be beyond brutal for those lukewarm Christians who seem to think that lip service (saying that they believe) alone will save them, they will have to fully commit to Christ which means giving up the world and everything that they have created for themselves to follow him!

They will literally have to put their very lives on the line!

I wonder how many will.

I have a brand new Bible that I bought recently and in my doubts and fears I opened it randomly in search of answers.

To my surprise I opened it directly to Isaiah 57!

That's right... the exact same answer that God gave me when I was asking about the rapture!

And yes, I was in fact, once again questioning the rapture!

In fact I was asking for confirmation about the words “you will be taken in the first wave” whether they were actually from God or my own imagination.

Then I received confirmation through a video first and then through Isaiah 57!

The truth is that many people who claim to follow Jesus Christ do so only through lip service... what their words say and what their actions say are very different!

Most people are not ready nor do they seem to understand that they need to be!

Ironically they will often look down at us for not following the earthly guidelines of accumulating money and stuff without even considering that they might be on the wrong path!

Those of us who truly love Christ cannot do that!... Do not store up for yourself treasures on earth!

As hard as the last few weeks have been for me I honestly cannot imagine how difficult it will be for those who are left behind and suddenly come to the realization that everything that they have worked their whole life for is not really theirs, when everything that they have is gone!

How many of these lukewarm Christians will turn away from their faith and blame God when they are suddenly faced with the reality that following Jesus will mean having to endure the worst time in human history and the worst persecution in human history?

How many of those who have not allowed the trans-human injections to be put into their bodies will do so then simply to get the basic necessities to survive?

Jesus asked if he would find anyone with faith when he returned, and honestly it is a very valid question!

The numbers are dwindling with each passing day!

How many will take the easy path to hell?

Those who wake up to the truth and come to Christ will have to face horrendous persecution and even betrayal from people they thought they could trust!

What the unvaccinated faced during the vaccine mandates and roll outs, the coercion, the loss of jobs and livelihood, the pressure and isolation from family and others will be nothing compared to what these Christians will have to face!

And the world will literally become hell on earth!

You will do what you are told and literally pledge yourself to Satan or you will face horrendous persecution and even death!

Yet still it has to be by your free will!

I know that living in this fallen world that it is hard for people to understand that there is another way... a better way but I have never attended a funeral where the deceased had a u haul to take the deceased stuff with them to the next life! No one takes their stuff with them when they leave this world.

I know that it can be hard to trust God during difficult times... believe me I know but for me and many others there really is no other choice! Jesus is the way the truth and the life... the only path to life!

There are many of us right now desperately trying to wake people us to the reality that is now on our doorstep and still we are dealing with people who simply do not want to see the truth!

I guess that all we can do at this point is to pray for them, this is their choice to make and there is nothing that we can do about that, you cannot make someone see what they do not want to but eventually everyone will see... there will be no other choice!

Every Knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

This is the final battle for the souls of all of humanity I honestly pray that people wake up to this before it is too late!