Men/Women in Church

Letter to Pastors

Ok For those pastors who are so adamantly against women teaching men I want to tell you a story and then I will ask you a question or two.

Let me start by saying that I am in no way condoning the likes of Joyce Meyer but there are some things that need to be addressed here.

This is a true story. My husband and I were living in Utah at the time I met a man at work who was badly demon possessed and addicted to drugs and alcohol.

This man was very hungry to learn about Jesus so we (my husband and I) were attempting to do Bible studies with him.

My husband is a baby Christian himself so I was leading the studies, but I am aware of the fact that I should at least have a man with me when trying to help this man.

My husband had to leave town for awile but I wanted to continue the studies and try to help this man in his search for Jesus Christ.

So I asked a couple from the church I was attending to go with me on the study so as not to be alone with this man, the husbands reply was “why don't you trust yourself to be alone with this man?”

This statement was repulsive to me and about as unChristian as you can get!

When it came down to it I could not get one man from the church to go with me!

Have you ever met a demon possessed person? Have you ever witnessed the kind of pain and torment that these people are living with on a daily basis?

So here we have a man who is desperately seeking Jesus.... seeking help and not one single “godly” man will reach out to help him... Not one!

So the question that I want to ask is this:
Should I just let this man perish and refuse to try and help him because the men of the “Church” refuses to?

Let me tell you right up front If I encounter a man who needs help and there are no men willing to help... I WILL try to help him!

And I do not believe for one second that God will be angry with me for doing so!

This is the end of days and we are out of time if men won't step up then the women need to!

Maybe instead of focusing on what women shouldn't do you should spend a little more time focusing on what the men should be doing!

Maybe a serious study on the church of Laodicea might be in order!

I could go on and on here but I believe I have made the point.

While I am on the subject of the church in these last days I have a few more pet peeves that I want to bring up here.

First and foremost the division that exists within the “body” of Christ!

The division that exists within the Christian church is absolutely appalling!
Every denomination seems to be at war with the others... especially on the rapture/ no rapture issue!

The worst attacks seem to be coming from the rapture believers! Some of the things these people are saying are absolutely hateful and often cruel!

And this is not the only subject that Christians attack each other on!

Christians are supposed to ask questions, we are supposed to seek out the truth but in many-many churches anyone who dares to question things in the church doctrine that doesn't make sense is treated like an idiot or a crazy person!

Do you honestly believe that this is what Jesus wants fo his church?

For those of us (and there are many) who are seeking answers... are seeking Biblical truth this is a very heartbreaking and discouraging time to be alive!

Can you imagine what would happen if all Christians put aside their thological differences and actually started listening to each other?

If we started seeing each other as brethren rather than enemies?

If we started focusing on the common truth rather than little differences?

Maybe we might learn from each other!

Maybe we could expose the deceptions and lies that seem to encapsulate and lead astray so many people these days!

Maybe we could become a shining light unlike anything this world has ever seen and the absolutely unshakable power that we were always meant to be!

Unfortunately that will never happen because people would rather be spoon fed their beliefs rather than seek out the truth for themseves.

I don't know if you know this or not but we do not know our true history.
Have you ever heard the saying that history is written by the conquerors?

This is a true statement... we have no idea what our true history is!

Although I do believe that there has been some tampering with the Bible I also believe that there is only so much tampering that God will allow and he always has the final say!

This being said let me say that this does not mean that our history cannot be changed or rewritten and that is exactly what has been happening!

(Although there have been Bibles rewritten for evil purposes, Scoffield is a classic example)

I for one, tend to take a Pretorist view of Biblical end times events, although I don't think that they have all of the answers either.
I honestly do not believe that anybody has all of the answers right now and I am sure that God is aware of this.

I honestly believe that the tribulation and the millennial reign have likely already happened and we are in the little season or the end of the end.

This being said I will also say that I do believe that there will be a rapture of sorts. I believe this, not because of any teaching of the church but because I asked God about this and was given Isaiah 57.

However I don't think that we can necessarily be certain that the 'tribulation' period will last 7 years or that the other end times events will play out the way most people are expecting.

I do believe that if people are just going along with what they are told and not seeking out the truth for themselves that they are at risk of being deceived possibly even to their own destruction!

For those who think that the COVID 19 shots cannot possibly be the mark of the beast or part of it (name and/or number) then let me suggest that you come down off of your high horse and do some serious research because when you do you will quickly realize that these shots have absolutely nothing to do with any disease and are in fact one of the most incredibly evil and diabolical deceptions ever perpetrated on humanity!

I can promise you that when you find out what is really in these shots and what they are actually doing to people you will be horrified!

I do genuinely believe that the coming days will be the worst in history and that when this is over there will be a new heaven and a new earth and that this earth will be completely destroyed.

I honestly hope that this letter will at least open your eyes enough to make you ask some questions and encourage you to do some serious research time is short, you cannot afford to be wrong not only for your sake but for the sake of your congregation as well!

Stop thinking that your church doctrine has all of the answers... they don't and neither do you! Stop pandering to your 501K and serve the people instead of the government who is trying to kill you!

Stand up and be the spiritual leader you were called to be and tell the truth!


Act like a true Christian... a true follower of Jesus Christ and be brave!

People need you, now more than ever!